(aka The Bachelor, Singapore)
So…first off, I’m a girl. Of course I liked this movie. It has everything I could want in a romcom. Is it going to win any awards? Probably not. Is it even actually a good movie? Debatable. But that doesn’t always matter for me, when it comes to watching movies. A movie doesn’t have to be good by definition for me to like and enjoy it. And that’s what this movie is. By superior (film snob) standards, it’s mostly trash. It has a plot we’ve all seen before…you know, girl falls in love with super rich guy (not knowing that he’s super rich) and finds out that she’s dating the “Asian Bachelor” when she goes to meet his family in Singapore. Said family makes her feel inferior, and she has to question if she really belongs in his life. If you haven’t seen this plot before, you haven’t watched a lot of chick flicks. That being said, there’s something supremely comforting about watching this movie. It’s sweet, it’s funny, and yes, it’s predictable. Awkwafina and Ken Jeong are hilarious as expected, and I was impressed by the performances of Henry Golding and Constance Wu. Overall, a delightful movie with a few surprises and lots of laughs. I enjoyed it, and (unless you hate fun) you will too.