(aka #SorryNotSorry)
This movie was funny. Much funnier than I was expecting, given the film noir-ish trailers. It felt like it tried to be several different things at once (snappy comedy meets twisty drama meets Hitchockian thriller), and all in all, it did a pretty good job. In all honesty though, it would not have been nearly the movie it was without the superb performances by the plucky Anna Kendrick & the sublime Blake Lively. Their clever and droll interactions more than made up for the fairly hollow story-line, and helped a somewhat empty movie feel almost full. It really felt like Henry Golding was just along for the ride with these two fabulous leading ladies, but what a ride it surely was. Now, let’s talk about twisted, twisty twists for a minute. Did this movie have them? Yes, in spades. Did I not see them coming? No. Or yes. Or…wait, what? Double negatives always confuse me. Let’s put it like this: I saw them coming. A mile away. Almost from the beginning of the movie (and even before that…from the trailer) I could have predicted at least a portion of the ending. But seeing the ending coming doesn’t always detract from the fun in getting there. And this movie was definitely all about the journey, not the destination.