Operation Finale

(aka That Other Adolf)

Meh. I mean, it wasn’t bad. It really has a lot going for it in terms of plot, dialogue, and don’t get me started on the acting. This historical drama is just lacking in some way that I can’t even really put my finger on. It should be a great movie. It’s kind of Argo-ish meets Inglorious Basterds-ish. And I liked both of those movies, so I should really like this one…right? I do know what I now want more of in my life though – if I could get some more witty banter between Oscar Isaac & Ben Kingsley, that would be great. The movie really came to life for me during those moments and there weren’t nearly enough of them. I’m a new fan of Oscar Isaac (honestly, who isn’t after Ex Machina?), but I’ve always loved Ben Kingsley. And if anyone could make you feel even an ounce of sympathy for the absolutely appalling man known as the “architect of the final solution”, it’s Ben Kingsley. He first came under my radar in Sneakers, which I saw (and loved) when I was 9 years old. Don’t judge me, but I still love that movie – it’s one that I will make a point to watch each time it airs on TV. I also may have the DVD. But getting back to Operation Finale. I don’t know. If you’re super into mostly accurate historical dramas, especially ones where evil nazis have a chance of getting their comeuppance, then you will probably like this movie. As for me, my normal scale for movies starts with “will I ever want to watch this again?” And this one falls short.

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